
Where the party is, we’re there! Reliving the energy of NYE — what a night! 🎆

#blinddateaustin #eventband #austinweddingband #weddingmusic #austinweddings #weddingvibes #weddingentertainment #livemusic #weddingband #partyband #austinband #weddingdjs #weddingdancing #bridalparty #austinmusic #texasweddings #weddingreception #dancefloorvibes #austintexas #musiclovers #weddingfun #weddingcelebration

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PCMA’s Party with a Purpose was EVERYTHING! 🙌🏻 We had the time of our lives and the energy was pure 24-karat magic!!! Check out some of the highlights from this TRULY EPIC night!!! ✨
#livemusic #livemusicvibes #partywithapurpose #blinddateaustin #austinevents #pcmaevents #weddingentertainment #austinband #eventplanners #livemusicatx #liveband #partyband #eventcommunity #therustic #houstonevents #htxentertainment #texasband

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R-E-S-P-E-C-T — giving you all that and more. 🙌🏻

#chelsealane #blinddateaustin #respect #aretha #soulmusic #singersofinstagram #soulvibes #vocalpower #liveperformance #weddingband #austinmusic #musicreels #soulqueen #stagepresence #musicislife #singersongwriter #austinbands #musicfans #soulfulvoice #bandlife #vocalist

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That last line. 🥹 Absolutely loved celebrating Jordan & Keith, and it’s always a pleasure getting to receive emails like this post-event! 💌

#austinweddingband #weddingband #weddingbandreviews #blinddateaustin #liveband #texasliveband #houstonweddingband #austinweddings

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A night with the Nystroms is proof that great celebrations never truly end — they live on the memories we keep. 🫶🏻💃🏻🕺

Planning + Design | @pearleventsaustin @tessadwilson
Venue | @austinproperhotel
Photo | @camera_shi
Beauty | @donnabrunsguttenbergermakeup @styledbycarolynholden
Floral | @bymaggiepeterson
Stationery | @aryngravescalligraphy
Hat Steaming | Sparks Agency
Strings | @terravistastrings
Catering | @austinproperhotel
Band | @blinddateaustin
Rentals | @premiereeventstx
Send Off | @austin_pedicab

#blinddateaustin #austinweddingband #livebandaustin #austinlivemusic #weddingentertainment #austinweddingvibes #texasweddingband #austineventslive #livemusictexas #weddingbandtexas #austinweddingscene #liveentertainmentaustin #texaseventmusic #austinpartyband #weddingreceptionband #austinmusicscene #texasweddings #livemusicforevents #austinweddingreception #texasevententertainment

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Here’s a glimpse of our 2024 — and wow, what an incredible year that was!!! 🙌 From unforgettable nights of singing, playing, and dancing to chair-lifting, people-lifting, and all the magical moments in between, we had an absolute blast!!

Thank y’all so much for making this happen. ❤️ We’ll forever cherish the privilege of doing what we love!!

2025 — we’re ready for you!!!

#2024recap #blinddateaustin #austinweddings #weddingband #weddingreception #atxweddingband #weddingentertainment #weddingparty

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Starting the day with a piece of positivity! 🎼 When you love what you do, it shows — and it makes a difference.

Excited to start a brand new year but we’re grateful for so many memories we’ve had in 2024! Sharing more soon!!

#blinddateaustin #austinweddingband #liveweddingmusic #austinbands #texasweddingband #weddingentertainment #livemusictexas #austinlivemusic #austinentertainment #weddingbandtexas #texasevents #austinweddings #weddingreceptionmusic #livebandaustin #austinmusic #weddingmusicians #texaslivemusic #austinpartyband #livemusicexperience #weddingcelebration

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Will forever treasure the thoughtful emails we get post-event! 🩶 Here’s one from 11/9 — plus a clip of one of our favorite moments from the day! Honestly, every moment from Kelsey and Blake’s night was a highlight - still so many more we want to share!! @kelseyglauben 💜

#weddingband #austinwedding #blinddateaustin #texasweddings #evententertainment #weddingmusic #austinbands #houstonwedding #dallaswedding #sanantonioevents #texasweddingbands #weddingfun #partyband #weddingvibes #brideandgroom #weddingreception #weddingmoments #liveentertainment #musicforweddings #weddingseason #texasvendors”

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Get to know the band! 🎶 We’re kicking things off with a fun Q&A featuring Taz — get ready to learn more about him! There’s so much more in store, and we can’t wait to share it all with you. Have a question for the band? Drop it in the comments below! ⬇️

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#blinddateaustin #austinweddingband #liveweddingmusic #austinbands #texasweddingband #weddingentertainment #livemusictexas #austinlivemusic #austinentertainment #weddingbandtexas #texasevents #austinweddings #weddingreceptionmusic #livebandaustin #austinmusic #weddingmusicians #texaslivemusic #austinpartyband #livemusicexperience #weddingcelebration

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Need a little Christmas spirit? 🎄🎁 Here’s a holiday classic — Blind Date Austin style! ✨


Did you know we also perform at company parties — and not just weddings? These are just two of the many events we love to be a part of! 💜 What are you planning in 2025? Let us know!!

#christmasmusic #livemusic #holidayvibes #blinddateaustin #austinbands #christmasclassics #austinmusic #holidaycheer #festivemusic #austinweddings #christmas2024 #liveperformances #austinentertainment #musiclovers #holidayseason #austintx #christmasparty #weddingband #musiciansofinstagram #holidayhits #austinmusicians

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Starting the week with an awesome review. 💜 Really appreciate you guys taking the time to write one for us!!

Deeply grateful for every event we’ve been a part of in the past. The best part? There’s still so many more ahead, and we couldn’t be more excited!

#blinddateaustin #atxweddingband #livebandatx #austinweddingmusic #texasweddingband #atxliveentertainment #livemusicatx #weddingbandreviews #austinlivemusic #texasevents #blinddateband #atxevents #weddingmusictexas #texaslivemusic #austinbandreviews #brideapprovedband #weddingentertainmentatx #atxweddingvibes #livemusicreviews

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So many incredible weddings to look back on this season! Here’s a sneak peek into Michelle & J.Michael’s wedding reception at Camp Lucy! Definitely a night we won’t forget!

Can’t stop, won’t stop moving!! 💃🏻🕺✨

Photography: @reaganwright
Planning: @verveeventplanning
Venue: @camplucyoncreek @camplucyweddings
Floral: @stemsofatx
Live Band: @blinddateaustin
Rentals: @whimeventrentals_
Cake: @simonleebakery
Video: @photohousefilms
Hair & Makeup: @lolabeautyatx

#blinddateaustin #camplucywedding #austinweddingband #texasweddingband #livemusicwedding #weddingreceptionmusic #austinlivemusic #texasweddingentertainment #weddingbandgoals #camplucyweddings #austinweddingentertainment #texaslivemusic #weddingmusicvibes #austinweddings #weddingbandenergy

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With a crowd like this, I don’t think anyone’s thinking about sleeping. 😉☕️✨

#blinddateaustin #liveweddingband #austinweddingmusic #weddingentertainment #livebandforweddings #texasweddingband #austinweddingband #weddingmusictexas #funweddingideas #texasweddingentertainment #livemusictexas #weddingreceptionfun #austinweddingvenue #texasweddingvibes #livemusiclove #weddingpartygoals #dancepartyvibes #austinlivemusic

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Does anyone know how we can time-travel back to Katie & Will’s wedding reception? Because 10/10, we would do this again!!! Such a fun night, everyone’s AMAZING!! 🙌✨


#austinweddings #blinddateaustin #austinweddingband #weddingband #weddingentertainment #weddingreception #atxweddingband #houstonweddings #weddingparty #texasband #liveband #weddingliveband

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Whenever we get sent a gallery, can you guess which part is our favorite? 😉❤️‍🔥

Will forever remember this awesome night celebrating Tess & Charlie!! 🙌

planning: @twentytwoweddings
photographer: @claire_risingoakimages ✨
flowers: @earlgreyfloral
lighting: @brightersideeventlighting
venue: @theallanhouse
videographer: @waterloofilms
caterer: @cravecateringtx
getaway car: @babybluedrivesforyou
hair & makeup: @hairxdanielleb, @aliciabeller

#blinddateaustin #austinweddings #austinweddingband #weddingband #weddingentertainment #weddingreception #atxweddingband #weddingphotos

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Blind Date Austin